D. C. Russell "willow dragonfly" (Pacific Northwest): It doesn't matter whether you are budgeting because you have to or because you want to save money for your future or for some other reason, this camera will definitely fit a budget better than most of the digital cameras out there. One reviewer stated that those who gave good reviews of this camera have probably not owned a nice camera previously. Well, I do fit into that category of not having owned an expensive camera before, but regardless, I love this camera. I have had a barrel of fun wih it. It is easy to use for someone such as myself who does not know a lot about photo-taking. To me, it takes great pictures, with great color, and I could not be happier with it.

Mohamed Erman "Mohamed" (USA): I got a 2 GB Sandisk memory card (from Amazon) and a Transcend card reader (very inexpensive from Amazon--$8.54 including shipping compared to $35 or $40 for others--and works great for my MSNTV internet device, about which I was very concerned about finding any compatible card reader anywhere at any price). So at this point I am a very happy buyer. Amazon rocks!! I have been really happy with photos of sunsets, my bottle trees, crafts projects, trees, myself (taken by myself just holding my arm out and snapping a photo at arm's length), paintings I've done, and more. I have not tried the video mode yet so can't comment on that. One note--this camera will hold only one photo in its internal memory. You pretty much have to purchase a memory card. I would recommend this camera to anyone who wants to take photos that don't require professional results. Again, I love it.

Robert H. Woody (Omaha, NE United States): With this inexpensive Kodak, I am not getting the sharp images and color that I would prefer. However, it was well below $100, so perhaps it is unrealistic to expect better quality. It is adequate for photos of kids blowing out candles on birthday cakes, family gatherings, and distant scenes. It is inadequate, in my opinion, for photos that can be used for commercial purposes or even for posting on Facebook.

Groton_reader (Groton, MA): I was looking for a simple, inexpensive digital camera, trusting both Kodak and Amazon for the quality I expect from both. Though I believe this camera will be ultimately usable for my basic needs, I am extremely disappointed at having been lied to over and over in the product description. I expect much better from Amazon.I've only just received the camera and can't really do anything with it since I have to get the SD card to make it work. I'm wondering what other lies I've been told that will spring up once I get it fully functional after an additional purchase I had not anticipated. This is very disappointing.
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