E. Reed (Detroit): When I saw rumors that the t4i would have a touchscreen I first said I wouldn't buy it. I figured this would be a gimmick and offer limited functionality. Then when i saw the press release and videos from Canon I changed my mind. I was sceptic of a couple things I will address here. I will start with the touch to adjust. Right now I feel kind of wonky using the touchscreen to make most adjustments to shooting in manual mode which is all i shoot in. But I consider this like moving from a blackberry to an iPhone. You are used to using buttons and the keyboard for so long you are lost on the touchscreen at first, but with time it ends up faster and easier. So in time it will end up faster for me to adjust by touch I am sure. It is in two spots already. ISO adjusting always seemed kind of odd to me on the rebel. The ISO button was placed so you had to kind of search for it and then do a three button combo to set it. On the touchscreen I find this easier. A couple taps and its done. The other major place it's easier for me is AEB.
G. Thompson (Missouri, United States): All I can say so far is WOW - I'm very impressed with the upgraded autofocus, the touchscreen, as well as the new focus selection methods. There is a LOT less delay when you move the camera and what you see on the screen in Live Mode. Live Mode is MUCH "snappier" feeling. When you turned on the T3i in Live Mode, it would have a little rectangle you could move around the screen to make sure the camera was focusing on what you wanted. But with the T4i, this system is much more versatile. You can tap the screen to instantly set a focus point, or you can move the little box around (which is much smaller and more precise now - and it will also FOLLOW your focus point when you move the camera around!), or you can allow for a more "general focus" by getting rid of the little box and letting the camera choose how it wants to focus, similar to how it works when using only the viewfinder to take photos.
Henry N. Nguyen (Northern California): The main reasons for my upgrade are: 1) 9 cross-type focusing points; 2) Faster shooting burst rate; 3) Continuous video focusing; 4) Touch screen (very useful features). The picture quality is from very good to excellent. Color tone is realistic. Pictures from T4i camera look better than pictures from T1i camera in term of white balance and sharpness (probably from the benefits of 9 cross-type focus points). It is definitely more snappy in sport mode, focusing is fast and burst rate is good. I do like the continuous focusing feature in the video mode because of the convenience. It takes between 1 - 2 second to focus to new scene and you can hear the focusing noise from the lense. Definitely, there are rooms for improvement (faster focusing and reduce the motor noise during focusing) in video feature. I don't have the new Canon STM lense, so I don't know if it is quite or not.
Art P (Houston, TX): The touch screen was nice and so was the swipe & pinch-to-zoom feature for reviewing your photos, the "tilty swively" feature is also a great carryover from the T3i. I agree with another reviewer that mentioned the shutter sound has a more "professional" feel to it. I really liked the 5fps, it is a significant step up from 3.7fps; however, the buffer size was not increased accordingly so the camera can take 5-6 RAW images before the cache is full and needs to clear out. Once the cache is full it takes about 5-7 seconds to clear; This was using a 32Gb Sandisk Class 10 (35Mb/s) SD card. Sports shooters might want to think about this one.
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